Regulations For Pool Fencing

Swimming pools are always a desirable luxury, wanted by those who wish to lead a comfortable and healthy life.
And, this is not a fiction any more. A walk around any plush locality will reveal swimming pools in 4 out of 10 residential complexes. In multi-apartment complexes, swimming pool is now the rage of the day.
However, we must not overlook the fact that not everyone on this planet is a good swimmer. An increasing number of deaths are resulting due to these same swimming pools. Mostly infants or younger children, with the excitement and curiousness, they dip into the pools, only to be fetched dead after a couple of hours.

Such incidents are happening when the victims are alone or with friends, and try to 'freak out' the day. We can avoid such accidents, and believe me; Pool Fence is a way to do so.
The Government has come out with several rules and regulation regarding the fencing around the pools, and has done so in the right manner. A heavy fine is imposed on those owners, who tend to neglect such rules. Cancellation of the pool can also be not ruled out.
As per the Government analysis, last year close to 100 deaths were reported from the state of California, due to such negligence on the part of the pool owner. And maximum percentages of these deaths were investigated due to poor Pool Fence or nil fencing around the pool.

The Government has laid out clear cut regulations for the fencing in and around the pool. Good quality material which mainly comprises of timber, steel, glass, fibre, cement or a combination of these can be used. The height of the Pool Fence should not be less than 4 feet, so as to prevent the children from accessing the pool, under non-supervision circumstances.

The pool owners should immediately communicate with the local law enforcement authority for further clarifications regarding this issue

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